

This page is way out of date. The “wife” mentioned below is no longer living with me; we separated amicably and are currently best friends, but we’re not married (at least as far as living arrangements/lifestyle goes). Just leaving the page around for historical purposes now.

Parents & Siblings

I’m the first of the eight children born to John and Laura Cowan. Dad was the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Sacramento for over a quarter of a century; now an Associate Pastor at Calvary Chapel of Salt Lake City. When I was growing up, Mom was kept pretty being, well, the mother of eight kids and helping with “church stuff”, though for while she was  employed as a childbirth educator. These days she teaches Kindergarten.

Wife & Kids

In the summer of 1999, I married Sara Louise Roloff, the love of my life. We have three children: Joy (24), David (21), and Kamberly (17).


Sara loves art, and dabbles in drawing, painting, sculpting, and various other visual arts. She also has a beautiful singing voice, which she uses frequently as she’s working on things around the house. She also teaches ESL and literacy. We’ve been married for 24 years, but just a glimpse of her still fills me with happiness, appreciation, and the inexplicable desire to remove all of her clothing :).

Some of Sara’s artwork is available on its own or on various products, through her store at Zazzle. She also maintains a blog, Mulberrypicking.

I am very, very happy to have such a wonderful, sexy, and creative wife (who’s also a good mother, to boot!).

A picture of my wife, Sarasara2-medsara3-med


Joy also shows a great aptitude for music and, especially, visual arts. When she was young (3 or 4), she spent nearly all of her time on her favorite plaything, the MagnaDoodle. She very quickly acquired solid skill in drawing. She still frequently amazes Sara and I with her expressive abilities. She amazed Sara and I when she wasn’t even a day old, by perfectly matching a pitch she was hearing from a leaf-blower outside.

Joy has also inherited her father’s obsession with anime and video games (which she has been into since she was little). Her biggest anime obsessions currently SGT. Frog and Princess Tutu. In video games, she’s a fan of the Sims games, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, and Minecraft (among many others).

A picture of Joy, wearing glasses, and a "Transformers" tee-shirt

Joy Cowan, self-portrait, 2013

Joy is an extremely caring person. She cares an awful lot, about an awful lot of things, which makes her a very wonderful person to know; but the flip side is that seeing even a little suffering is very painful to her. She holds herself to very high standards, which has the benefit that she’s usually at the top of her class; but often her standards are too perfect to be realistic, and she can take it very hard when she falls short.


David is another video game fanatic; his favorites include Spore, Skyrim, LittleBigPlanet, and Infamous.

A picture of David with a tallish head, and a collossal, bright smile.

David, self-portrait, 2013

He’s always been fascinated by technology, especially things that can communicate via USB, and web programming. He has a web site up to play with, and among other things he sometimes uses it to create Father’s Day or Birthday (Mom) pages. 🙂

He’s also been learning to mod Spore on the PC (much of which is defined in a human-editable XML file format), so he’s been doing that.


Kamberly, like Sara and Joy, is very artistically inclined, and loves to draw and sing. She’s a very avid reader, and full of life and smiles.

A picture of Kamberly, age 7, wearing a hat that looks not unlike a fez, or a bucket. :)

Kamberly, self-portrait, 2013